Textbook Project: ’A Critical Introduction to Environmental Communication’
Based on the findings and insights from Mistra Environmental Communication, we write the textbook ‘A Critical Introduction to Environmental Communication’. The book is under contract with Routledge, we are already drafting the first chapters and plan to plan the book in the summer of 2026.
In the book we:
- contextualise environmental communication in critical social science research and introduce essential conceptual lenses such as practice, governance, and power
- relate environmental communication to communication theory more broadly
- unpack communicative dynamics and disagreements, including conflict, deliberation and facilitation
- develop an understanding of the role of environmental communication in the mediated world we live in
More information about the Textbook and its progress will come.
The textbook is written by the following Mistra Environmental Communication researchers: Camilo Calderon, Anke Fischer, Lars Hallgren, Amelia Mutter and Malte Rödl. If you have questions about this process you can reach out to Amelia Mutter (amelia.mutter@slu.se).