Focus area 1 – Information

Information cultures, data and technology in environmental communication

This focus area considers the ways in which environmental concerns are framed and articulated when data and information technologies are involved. The number, sophistication, and use of information technologies are constantly increasing. And their integration into environmental practice, communication, and governance will further expand and intensify in the coming years. How does data enable environmental knowledge in specific ways and at the expense of others? How does this differ between different digital platforms or across information infrastructures?
Theme leader

Jutta Haider

Concerned with the social study of information, Jutta Haider researches the algorithmic shaping and datafication of everyday life, and media and information literacy in environmental meaning-making.

How do data, information technologies, and algorithmic cultures contribute to shaping meaning about the environment? This is the broad question at the forefront of our research. Bringing together researchers from information studies, communication studies, ecology, and environmental social sciences as well as a group of societal partners, we examine three key domains where datafication occurs in various ways, for varying reasons, and with varying outcomes:

  • Environmental apps and scientific data in everyday life

How is data produced, distributed and redistributed among different apps, services, individuals, organisations, and other actors? What are the consequences of our increasingly technologically mediated relationship to nature?

  • ESG (environmental, social, governance) and traceability in textile and fashion industry supply chains

ESG and traceability in supply chains are becoming more common among corporations as pillars of their sustainability efforts. They offer practical means to monitor products and materials as they travel through the supply chain. As such, they are crucial components for verifying social and environmental claims. What challenges and opportunities do ESG and traceability present for environmental communication and governance?

  • Cross-platform transformations of environmental advocacy

Social media platforms are increasingly leveraged to communicate sustainability issues. With each platform having its unique features and “logic,” different kinds of content are given visibility across different platforms. How do platform-specific characteristics and forms of engagement shape the form and content of advocacy?

An observatory serves as a collaborative platform for monitoring trends across these three domains and as a testing ground for developing new strategies to critically examine this rapidly changing field.

The following societal partners form part: Wikimedia Sweden, Swedish Library Association, Search Studies Group (Hamburg Univ. of Applied Sciences), Environmental Protection Agency, Nudie Jeans.


Teknisk infrastruktur styr vår relation till naturen

News article
Carin Graminius and René van der Wal (2024). Sveriges Natur

AI-Generated Junk Science Is Flooding Google Scholar, Study Claims

News article
Jutta Haider is interviewed in Newsweek about the article on GPT-fabricated scientific papers on Google Scholar. September 09, 2024

AI-Powered Web Search Gives Climate Deniers and Conspiracy Theorists Free Rein

News article
Jutta Haider writes about AI-Powered Web Search Gives Climate Deniers and Conspiracy Theorists Free Rein in Tech Policy Press, 2024-08-27.

Sverige riskerar att bli känt som klimatkrisens gulaschbaron

Debate article
Debate article in Dagens Nyheter by researchers in Mistra Environmental Communication: Anke Fischer, Eva Friman, Jutta Haider och Sara Holmgren.

Boråsprofessorn varnar: Källkritiken i kris – så undermineras demokratins fundament

News article
Interview in Borås Tidning, 2024-08-05. Utbredd cynism och IT-jättars vinstjakt har rubbat det politiska samtalet i grunden. Boråsprofessorn Jutta Haider varnar för att ett av demokratins fundament – källkritiken – är hotad och uppmanar till politisk handlingskraft.

Utan tillit betyder källkritik närmast ingenting

Debate article
Jutta Haider, Olof Sundin writes a debate article in Dagens Nyheter, 2024-06-23.

GPT-fabricated scientific papers on Google Scholar: Key features, spread, and implications for preempting evidence manipulation.

Scientific paper
Haider, J., Söderström, K. R., Ekström, B., & Rödl, M. (2024). GPT-fabricated scientific papers on Google Scholar: Key features, spread, and implications for preempting evidence manipulation. Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) Misinformation Review, 5(5), 1-16.

On separating data from people: Reflections on Indigenous data exhaust, Transparency, and Constitutive Relationality

Scientific paper
Shiv Ganesh (2024). On separating data from people: Reflections on Indigenous data exhaust, Transparency, and Constitutive Relationality. Environmental Communication, OnlineFirst. DOI: 10.1080/17524032.2023.2299749.

Suffering and the edges of Melodrama

Scientific paper
Shiv Ganesh (2024). Suffering and the edges of Melodrama. Quarterly Journal of Speech, Vol 110.1. DOI: 10.1080/00335630.2023.2292326.