
The Nature Interpretation Lab

Nature Interpretation Lab (NiLab) is a laboratory where researchers and practitioners meet to work and learn together. The lab is based at the Swedish Centre for Nature Interpretation.
Contact person

Jasmine Zhang

Jasmine Zhang is a researcher at Swedish Centre for Nature Interpretation and part of the cross-cutting project NiLab in M-EC.

Nature Interpretation Lab is an open arena and workspace where research and practice meet in a mutual learning and development process to work and learn together. The lab is based at the Swedish Centre for Nature Interpretation. Together with her colleagues at the Center, Dr. Jasmine Zhang is coordinating emerging questions from researchers and practitioners while also contributes to different focus areas as a researcher.

NiLab contributes to focus area 2 – meaning making, research questions through connecting nature interpreters who work with physical settings and emotions to researchers who wish to understand how outdoor settings (such as a nature reserve), and conversations carried out there may alter the visitor experience.

In focus area 3 – Knowledge, through the lens of stories that are crafted and told in nature interpretation, the Nilab contributes to find cases that are suitable to address the questions such as:

  • How are knowledge, emotions and values used and combined in the crafting of stories to be told as part of nature interpretation?
  • How are values, emotions and knowledge represented in a story?
  • How are these stories received?

Addressing these questions includes a critical analysis of the role of evidence in nature interpretation stories.

Nilab also contributes to focus area 5 – Transformation, through the task “Interactive trails”, exploring how co-creation of interactive trails across landscapes can contribute to nature-based transformations. Here we look at trails as sites that allow us to explore people’s impressions and relationships to landscapes they live in or visit, and how geographically and culturally embedded stories can enable or disable certain experiences, emotions, or imaginaries of sustainable land use futures. Furthermore, the Nilab generally contribute to synthesis and disseminative activities across the whole program, such as workshops, seminars, and podcasts.


Klimatkris och konstmöten – en konstpedagogisk och klimatpsykologisk undersökning

Under senhösten 2023 genomförde Moderna Museet ett konstpedagogiskt utvecklingsprojekt om konsten och klimatkrisen tillsammans med en klimatpsykolog och tre gymnasieklasser från Stockholm. Projektet gjordes inom ramen för forskningsprogrammet Mistra Environmental Communication och syftade till att undersöka i vilken utsträckning ett djupgående samtal om klimat och miljö kan påverka hur konstverk uppfattas och tolkas. Slutsatsen utifrån det begränsade underlaget om ca 70 elever är att mötet med konsten kan fungera både som projektionsyta och resonansbotten för existentiella reflektioner kring klimatkrisen, om de får rätt förutsättningar.

Museernas roll i omställningen – Så har forskare och museiprofessionella arbetat tillsammans

News article
Web article at, 13 Dec 2023.

Museernas roll i omställningen – Så har forskare och museiprofessionella arbetat tillsammans

News article
Mistra lyfter ett projekt inom Mistra Environmental Communication där forskare och personer med ledande roller på museer runt om i Sverige har diskuterat och arbetat med museernas roll i den hållbara omställningen. Projektet har mynnat ut i en digital verktygslåda för museernas publika arbete.