Impact node

The Impact node

The Impact node links researchers with businesses working in Environmental Communication, to support the outreach of M-EC’s research results.
Contact person

Robert Österbergh

Robert is part of the program lead as a coordinator but also working within WP 4 as a research assistant.

The aim of the Impact node is to create synergies and cooperation between researchers in and beyond M-EC as well as WSP clients, in order to discuss challenges, opportunities and to communicate but also discuss M-EC’s research results.

The Impact node should be a generic, dialogue-based entity with high societal relevance that can be used in M-EC’s impact work and contribute to new partnerships and a broadened network for M-EC’s actors and target groups.


Museernas roll i omställningen – Så har forskare och museiprofessionella arbetat tillsammans

News article
Mistra lyfter ett projekt inom Mistra Environmental Communication där forskare och personer med ledande roller på museer runt om i Sverige har diskuterat och arbetat med museernas roll i den hållbara omställningen. Projektet har mynnat ut i en digital verktygslåda för museernas publika arbete.