E in EC

Environment in Environmental Communication

This project explores how ‘environment’ is approached in the study of environmental communication.
Theme leader

Rene van der Wal

I study relationships between ecology and society, particularly looking at concepts, practices and digital tools, together with colleagues from the social sciences, humanities and wider society.

Traditionally in this field, environment forms the backdrop or context in which we study communication. However, recent developments in the social sciences are impacting the field and scholars are broadening what environment can be: ranging from looking into the role of the material or nature as an active agent in communication to eco-linguistics, and many approaches in between.

To pinpoint these recent developments in the field we conducted a literature review of 100 articles written in the field’s flagship journal Environmental Communication (publication forthcoming, stay tuned!). With the review as our basis, we are now exploring different ways of approaching environment in our research practice, both within and outside the programme. Our upcoming activities include reading and discussion circles, mapping networks of influence, experimental writing, and connecting with practitioners and researchers from other fields.

The current research team consists of: Hanna Bergeå, Sofie Joosse, Daniela Kreber and René van der Wal.


Museernas roll i omställningen – Så har forskare och museiprofessionella arbetat tillsammans

News article
Mistra lyfter ett projekt inom Mistra Environmental Communication där forskare och personer med ledande roller på museer runt om i Sverige har diskuterat och arbetat med museernas roll i den hållbara omställningen. Projektet har mynnat ut i en digital verktygslåda för museernas publika arbete.