
Mistra Environmental Communication addresses five major fields of environmental communication practice. Additionally, cross-cutting strands of work integrate insights across focus areas.


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“Let us be led by the residents”: Swedish dialogue experts’ stories about power, justification and ambivalence.

Research paper
Westin M, Mutter A, Calderon C, et al. (2021) “Let us be led by the residents”: Swedish dialogue experts’ stories about power, justification and ambivalence. Nordic Journal of Urban Studies 1(2). Universitetsforlaget: 113–130.

AI-Powered Web Search Gives Climate Deniers and Conspiracy Theorists Free Rein

Jutta Haider writes about AI-Powered Web Search Gives Climate Deniers and Conspiracy Theorists Free Rein in Tech Policy Press, 2024-08-27.

Boråsprofessorn varnar: Källkritiken i kris – så undermineras demokratins fundament

Interview in Borås Tidning, 2024-08-05. Utbredd cynism och IT-jättars vinstjakt har rubbat det politiska samtalet i grunden. Boråsprofessorn Jutta Haider varnar för att ett av demokratins fundament – källkritiken – är hotad och uppmanar till politisk handlingskraft.

GPT-fabricated scientific papers on Google Scholar: Key features, spread, and implications for preempting evidence manipulation.

Research paper
Haider, J., Söderström, K. R., Ekström, B., & Rödl, M. (2024). GPT-fabricated scientific papers on Google Scholar: Key features, spread, and implications for preempting evidence manipulation. Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) Misinformation Review, 5(5), 1-16.

Negotiating Authority in Facilitation Practice – A Conceptual Framework to Describe Facilitators’ Use of Power in Collaborative Governance.

Research paper
Westin M and Montgomerie E (2024) Negotiating Authority in Facilitation Practice – A Conceptual Framework to Describe Facilitators’ Use of Power in Collaborative Governance. Society & Natural Resources 0(0). Routledge: 1–20.

On separating data from people: Reflections on Indigenous data exhaust, Transparency, and Constitutive Relationality

Research paper
Shiv Ganesh (2024). On separating data from people: Reflections on Indigenous data exhaust, Transparency, and Constitutive Relationality. Environmental Communication, OnlineFirst. DOI: 10.1080/17524032.2023.2299749.

Suffering and the edges of Melodrama

Research paper
Shiv Ganesh (2024). Suffering and the edges of Melodrama. Quarterly Journal of Speech, Vol 110.1. DOI: 10.1080/00335630.2023.2292326.

Sverige riskerar att bli känt som klimatkrisens gulaschbaron

Debate article in Dagens Nyheter by researchers in Mistra Environmental Communication: Anke Fischer, Eva Friman, Jutta Haider och Sara Holmgren.

The framing of power in communicative planning theory: Analysing the work of John Forester, Patsy Healey and Judith Innes

Research paper
Westin M (2022) The framing of power in communicative planning theory: Analysing the work of John Forester, Patsy Healey and Judith Innes. Planning Theory 21(2). SAGE Publications: 132–154.

The Sustainability Walk – Combining Nudging and Pragmatism to Facilitate Collective Action and Reflection.

Research paper
Westin M, Joosse S, Möckel F, et al. (2024) The Sustainability Walk – Combining Nudging and Pragmatism to Facilitate Collective Action and Reflection. Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration 28(2). 2: 40–57.

Utan tillit betyder källkritik närmast ingenting

Jutta Haider, Olof Sundin writes a debate article in Dagens Nyheter, 2024-06-23.


Read about our collaborator’s latest thoughts.​

"Communicating Complexity in Fashion Production: Navigating the Minotaur’s Labyrinth of Sustainability"

Unravelling the complex yarn of sustainability challenges in the fashion world is not a Gordian knot to cut and be done with but a continuous learning process about both internal and external relations. Whether within a single company or out in the social media sphere, communication is one common thread that weaves this pattern together.
Miron Arljung and Sai Cheruvu

"Co-creation for ecosystem restoration – a reflection from Mosquitia"

Arriving on the Misquito coast in eastern Honduras provides a sobering reminder of the tremendous challenge of healing ecosystems that lie ahead of us. The once forest-covered area has largely lost its trees, and the continuous fires ensure they won’t return anytime soon. As a result, the ecosystem in parts of La Mosquitia is moving from forest to grassland.
Max Whitman

"Renewed Passion and Broader Perspectives: My Time as a Communicator-in-Residence"

During October and November 2023, I had the honour of being part of the Mistra Environmental Communication (Mistra EC) programme as a Communicator-in-Residence. What’s that? Well, neither the programme nor I really knew before.
Jenny Hansson